Wilton BOE Budget Process
Please find here collected resources about the budget. Resources being added. Check for updates!
The Wilton Annual Budget Process is well underway. It is an eventful year with the revaluation occurring, significant facilities needs identified for schools and town buildings, budget requests from the schools , other areas of the town expressing additional needs, and major recently funded projects kicking off such as the long deferred new police station. For our BOE and school facilities needs, there are impacts if these are not fully funded.
What can you do to participate in this process?
Attend meetings, read and watch published information
Engage civilly with Boards and Community Members
Share accurate information, call attention to misinformation
Make public comment at meetings
Write letters/emails to the BOE, BOF, BOS relevant to the budget items in question
BOF Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FY25WiltonBOFSurvey https://www.wiltonct.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif10026/f/uploads/fy25_wiltonbof_downloadable_survey_0.pdf
BOE: boe@wiltonps.org
(Tonight) Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Middlebrook School Auditorium & via Zoom
Superindendent's Proposed Budget
BOE Meetings
Budget Process
Docs (All Found in Board Docs Meeting Agendas)
Budget Executive Summary: https://go.boarddocs.com/ct/wilton/Board.nsf/files/CZZQC468990A/$file/Budget%20Executive%20Summary%202024-25.pdf
Budget Adjustments - Possible Impacts if Budget Request is not fully funded
"The information below represents my first-round thinking about budget adjustments and their potential impacts. As I noted for the Board during the budget workshops, should we choose or be required to make substantial reductions to the proposed budget, we do not have non-labor areas to tap into that would yield substantial dollars. By contrast, last year, we picked up $350,000 in health care savings because we changed carriers. We also deferred the purchase of teacher laptops to save another $130,000. Not significant in dollars, but impactful still, we reduced expenditures in library books and furniture ($18,000). Below I’ve sketched out a series of budget items that we would add (or add back) if the budget proposal was increased, and items that should be considered if the budget proposal is reduced. The current proposal reflects the dollars needed to by the Wilton Public Schools to effectively deliver its programs. I oppose any reductions that would negatively impact programs in our schools. Note also, that at this point, no reductions have been taken for the technology equipment leasing opportunity we are pursuing or for any of the transportation efficiencies we are exploring. The summary statements below do not fully describe the impact and each of these should be weighed thoroughly." - Intro Memo from Kevin Smith to BOE
Full Text and line items with dollar amounts: https://go.boarddocs.com/ct/wilton/Board.nsf/files/D29MAR5A54E6/$file/Budget%20Adjustments%20020124%20distributed%20at%20February%201%2C%202024%20BOE%20meeting%20KJS.pdf
Please see Board Docs Agenda for additional docs with detailed questions.
Current Grants: https://go.boarddocs.com/ct/wilton/Board.nsf/files/D2AHMM492DFF/$file/2023-2024%20Current%20Grants%20as%20of%202-8-24%20(2).pdf
BOF Questions: https://go.boarddocs.com/ct/wilton/Board.nsf/files/D2AHLR490B56/$file/Board%20of%20Finance%20Budget%20Questions.pdf
Budget Questions: https://go.boarddocs.com/ct/wilton/Board.nsf/files/D2AHLP490B51/$file/2024-25%20Budget%20Questions%20(1).pdf
Budget Presentation Recordings
FY2025 Annual Budget and Town Meeting
Upcoming Meetings
Wednesday, March 20 for the public hearing on the BOE budget.
We encourage all interested residents to attend and would also invite residents to speak during public comment at the Board of Finance regular meetings as well (scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 13 and Tuesday, March 14, both at 7 p.m.).
Board of Selectmen
News Articles
Wilton superintendent to present school budget proposal for 2024-25
Wilton Schools Superintendent Proposes 5.56% Budget Increase for 2024-25
BOE Digs into FY’25 Budget Proposal, with Q’s on Staffing, Supplies and Reduction Impacts (Freshmen Sports? Admins?) to Prep for Tonight’s Joint BOF Meeting
BOE Continues Discussing Proposed FY’25 School Budget Tonight, with Coaching Program Already “On the Table”
Wading Through Numbers: Selectmen See $Millions in Municipal Building Needs (on Top of School Building Needs) as FY’25 Budgets Also Come into View
Facilties Needs
Wilton selectmen examine funding for over $100 million in school repairs: 'Big undertaking'
Draft Report Stunner: Wilton Faces $100 Million Price Tag on School Building Repairs/Upgrades Over 10 Years
BOS TriBoard Docs
Please see BOS Agenda for More Docs