MB Parent Letter - August 20, 2021
August 20, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back to our Middlebrook families! Hopefully, this letter finds you in good health, relaxed from family vacations, and ready to gear up for a new school year. If you are a family new to Middlebrook, you can expect a Friday letter throughout the school year. This weekly letter is just one way we hope to engage families as partners in meeting the academic and social-emotional needs of students, and a way to keep you up-to-date on the latest news from “The Brook.” It is our collective hope that you find these letters informative and helpful. Typically, we will email the letter at 5 PM on Fridays.
The Powerschool Parent Portal opened today at noon for Middlebrook families. After some initial technical difficulty, the system appears to be working properly. If you have not done so already, please access the PowerSchool Parent Portal to see your child’s team assignment and class schedule.
Dean Kawulicz, Dean Querzé, Dean Whelan, and I are genuinely excited to welcome our students for the start of school on August 30! We are incredibly grateful to our Middlebrook School PTA President, Mrs. Michelle Haggerty, for her assistance and support as we ensure that we are responsive to student, staff, parent, and community ideas.
This week’s topics:
Update from the August 19, 2021 BOE Meeting
Introduction of staff new to Middlebrook School
Walkthrough/Meet the Teachers - August 26, 2021
A Snapshot of a Day in the Life of a MB Student
Note from Our Health Office
School Supply Lists
Lunch Procedure
Please Join the PTA
Resources for Parents/Guardians
Update from the August 19, 2021 BOE Meeting
At the BOE meeting last night, it was agreed that the school year will start with all members of the school community wearing masks while indoors. Details are outlined in the Governor’s August 5, 2021 Executive-Orders and reaffirms the CT Commissioner of Public Health's right to identify the facilities in which masks are required regardless of a person's vaccination status. Fully vaccinated teachers will be permitted to remove their masks during active instruction at the front of the classroom while students are seated at their desks. (Masks will be worn at all other times indoors.)
Additionally, the BOE agreed to adjust our school day to end five minutes later. Middlebrook School will now dismiss at 2:55 PM. Please adjust your plans accordingly.
Staff New to Middlebrook School
We are happy to add several new faces to our teaching staff. Please join us in welcoming the following new teachers for 2021-2022:
Danielle Bottinger will teach Reading Workshop on 7 Green
Sasha Cordero will be teaching French in grades seven and eight
Sara Marr will be working with our English language learners
Jillian Pandolfino will be teaching mathematics on 7 Green
Niall Reynolds will be teaching music at WHS and Middlebrook
Alyssa Sharpe will be teaching Writing Workshop on 6 Red
Avery Starr will be joining us as a special education teacher
Shabiroon Vereen will be joining us to teach art
(You might recognize Ms. Vereen since she is coming to us from Cider Mill.)
Walkthrough/Meet the Teachers Masks Are Required
Middlebrook will host a Parent/Student Walkthrough on Thursday, August 26, 2021 for families who wish to attend. Students, accompanied by their parents, are invited to visit to meet their new teachers. All family members must wear a mask to enter the building.
Please understand that attendance is not required, and families may rightfully choose to avoid being part of a large crowd. Your children will receive plenty of orientation from teachers during the first days of school, so if they miss the walkthrough, your child will not be disadvantaged.
Grades 7 and 8 walkthrough will be from 12:00 -1:00 PM (Organized by last name)
12:00 - 12:25 Last names starting with A through H
12:35 - 1:00 Last names starting with I through Z
Grade 6 walkthrough will be from 2:00 -3:00 PM (Organized by last name)
2:00 - 2:25 Last name starting with A through H
2:35 - 3:00 Last name starting with I through Z
While it is not required, I recommend that you print a copy of your child’s schedule from the PowerSchool Parent Portal, and bring it with you to the walkthrough. Whenever possible, only the student and his/her parents or guardians should attend the walkthrough to reduce the volume of people in the building at one time. We also encourage you to please be mindful of your time to allow for a steady flow of visitors.
A Snapshot of a Day in the Life of a Middlebrook Student
· Beginning at 8:00 AM, students will enter the building from the bus loop and from the drop off area
· Students will wear masks throughout the day while indoors; mask breaks are part of our daily bell schedule; sneeze guards on student desks will not be used
· Students will sanitize their hands upon entering the building and will be encouraged to do so throughout the day
· Staff will be in the hallways throughout the building to encourage students to make their way directly to their teambase, minimizing student congregating or walking into other team areas
· Students will go directly to their teambase classroom after putting coats/instruments in lockers
· Students will have the option to use their backpacks throughout the day to keep supplies/materials readily available
· At 8:10 the first bell will ring, reminding students that they should be in their teambase
· At 8:20 a second bell will ring and teambase exercises will begin
the pledge of allegiance will be recited over the PA system followed by a moment of silence
attendance will be taken by the teambase teacher
important announcements will be made
· After teambase, students will proceed to their first class of the day
· Students will move from room to room during passing times; they are expected to remain at least three feet apart whenever possible.
· Students will participate in eight periods throughout the day following a typical 6 day rotating cycle
· Students will participate in academic classes daily
· Students’ STRIDE classes change each day; as usual, some STRIDE classes change each quarter
· Lunch will be outdoors whenever possible
· When weather dictates eating lunch indoors, students will be seated at least three feet apart from each other in the cafeteria or gymnasium
Hot and cold lunch options and snacks will be available for students to purchase in the cafeteria
Click this link to access the Chartwells page on the district website.
Grade 6 lunch will be from 10:40 - 11:10
Grade 7 lunch will be from 11:24 - 11:54
Grade 8 lunch will be from 12:04 - 12:34
· Dismissal
Students who are being picked up will be dismissed to the pick-up area at 2:55 PM
Students who are riding the bus will proceed to the bus loop when their bus arrives
· After school co-curricular activities and intramurals are scheduled to resume in person
Note from our Health Office
REMINDER to Incoming 7th grade parents: A complete, current physical and a record of vaccines are required to enter 7th grade. If you have the completed form, please email it to flahertyn@wiltonps.org or mangelsj@wiltonps.org, bring it to school Monday through Friday from 8:00 until 3:00.
For Parents/Guardians of 7th Grade Students:
In accordance with Connecticut State Law, the Wilton Board of Education requires that all children have a physical examination to enter 7th grade.
The State of Connecticut mandates that the blue Connecticut State physical examination form HAR‐3 and the full immunization record be completed within fifteen months before the first day of school. (The 21-22 school year is scheduled to begin on August 30, 2021.)
Before August 30, 2021, your physician should complete the form and a parent/guardian should fill out page one, sign, and date it before sending it into Middlebrook. The form is on the Middlebrook website. (MB Information, MB Health Office, scroll down to MB Health Office Forms, drop down and select State of CT Physical Exam.)
Students will not be allowed to enter class on August 30, 2021 until proof of compliance with this State requirement is received and approved by the nurse.
For your information, one dose of Tdap and one dose of meningococcal vaccine are required to enter 7th.grade along with the completed physical.
Please forward your physical form to Nancy Flaherty, flahertyn@wiltonps.org or to Jeanne Mangels, mangelsj@wiltonps.org, or drop it off at the Middlebrook office Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
School Supply Lists
Students will use lockers to store their belongings. Students will continue to have the option to carry their backpacks as they move from classroom to classroom.
Lunch Procedures
One of the silver linings from last year was the shift to outdoor lunch periods whenever the weather permitted. This year we plan for our students to enjoy outdoor lunch as frequently as weather permits. Additionally, the cafeteria will be fully functioning with a wide variety of hot and cold options available. Click this link to access the Chartwells’ page on the district website. When weather requires indoor lunch, we will be using the cafeteria and gym space to allow students to spread out at least three feet from each other while eating.
Please Join the PTA
Do you plan to join the PTA? If you do - thank you!! If you have been enjoying summer and not thought about joining, please consider doing so! Membership for the 2021-22 school year will open soon (expected late August).
We will share the link to join the PTA later in August for your convenience. If you have questions or issues joining, please contact the Middlebrook PTA Vice President, Carolyn Lyon carolynlyon@optonline.net.
Resources for Parents/Guardians
o Schoology Refresher August 26, 2021 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
As always, we at The Brook continue to be thankful for the continued support of our families.
Stay safe and have a fantastic week!
All the best, always and all ways,
Jory Higgins
Note: Image from the student made WEB presentation.