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MB Messenger Update - 10/10/22

In this Issue:

  • Calendars

  • Upcoming PTA Events

  • PTA News

  • School News

  • Contact Middlebrook and Quick Links

  • Community News




Upcoming Events

7th Grade Activity Night

Fri, Nov. 11. 6:30-8:30pm

Calling all Parent Volunteers! We need your help to host an Activity Fun Night for our 7th Graders at Middlebrook. It’s an exciting night for our 7th graders to come to school after hours and socialize with their peers – a DJ, raffle prizes, games and snacks are all available for their enjoyment. Please find the volunteer sign up on the event page.

Registration for students will be open soon! For any questions, email Jennifer Enman,

Science and Engineering Fair - Registration Open

You are officially invited to take part in the 2022 Middlebrook Science & Engineering Fair, sponsored by the Wilton Education Foundation and Middlebrook PTA. This is an exciting event that encourages students to think like young scientists and engineers. Participants will have the opportunity to design a science or engineering project of their choosing.

The date of the Science & Engineering Fair is Tuesday, January 24th, 2023.

(Snow Date: Thursday, January 26th, 2023)


PTA News

PTA Membership is now open

We have been grateful to hear from many of you over the past month who are interested in joining the PTA as a member. We are excited to announce that membership is now open for all of the Wilton PTAs. We invite you to join and learn more about the many ways to support the PTA and our Middlebrook community.

Thank you for all you do to support each other, our community, our teachers and administrators, our schools, and our children.

Please find more information about the PTA and how to join here:


Thanks you to our many volunteers! We could not do what we do without you and this is a wonderful way to support MB, learn more about MB by participating in activities, and meet or work with others. If you are interested in volunteering for upcoming events and/or for the PTA next year we need you! All are welcome. Please fill out the form on this page or email

Volunteers for upcoming field trips (i.e. Grade 6 in October) and Activity Nights are asked to please register for a background check through WPS. It can take a couple of weeks and volunteers are asked to please register as soon as possible with WPS. The information for this process is here: . We will work with volunteers throughout the year on this process.


  • Zero Waste - Mon Oct 17–Fri Oct 21

    • Please read details in the signup and consider helping with one of the lunch shifts during the week. A member of the zero waste team will be at most of the shifts to help guide you. Thanks in advance and keep an eye out for more information on this year's zero waste week activities!

  • 7th Grade Activity Night Chaperones - Fri Nov 11

  • 8th Grade Pancake Breakfast - TBD - Late November

    • Please email so that we can start a committee to plan and host this special event for our 8th Graders.

  • Book Fair - TBD - Early December, Committee work to plan starts now

    • We need more committee members to plan and execute this event as well as in-school volunteers during the event in December in order to host this popular event in support of our LLC. If you have ever been in the LLC during a book fair, it's also really wonderful to see how interested and curious our Middle Schoolers are about exploring books and reading!

  • Executive Committee - Immediate (VP/Membership Chair) and Future Opportunities (Treasurer)-

    • We are looking for Executive Committee members for this year and into next year. If you are excited to learn more about MB, get involved in the school, and are ready to bring your ideas and efforts to help our wonderful MB community, we want to hear from you! We are looking for someone excited about membership to join our Executive Committee. Please fill out the form at: .

  • Hospitality & Other Areas

    • If you are interested in any other areas such as Hospitality or Fundraising, we would like to add to these teams for upcoming events and programs.

6th Grade Activity Night

Glow Much Fun! Thanks to everyone who participated and helped with this event. It was a great success. Please see more HERE for a recap of the evening.

Picture Day

Thank you to our amazing Picture Day volunteers, to our photography partner (Lifetouch), to Middlebrook staff and administration for helping to organize, facilitate, and host, and to all who participated in picture day.

We are hearing some questions about delivery of proofs and receipt of digital communications from Lifetouch. Photos were delivered to school on 10/6 and will be distributed on Thursday. If you have ordered from Lifetouch before, you may have received an email with your digital proofs and IDs. They may be limited in being able to send some types of information only to those already in their records for a prior purchase.

You can call the National Call Center @ 800 736 4753 to get the necessary information as well.

There is still time to purchase pictures, information: . If you have any questions, please reach out to Dana Quick at


School News

WPS Website and App

Latest News: WPS has been hearing that some people are using Google Search to find WPS calendar information. Unfortunately, the internet being what it is, these searches can lead to outdated information. Please use the website for the latest official information. Check out the new Parents section in the menu. New items are being added regularly!

Please review the new website and mobile application and WPS/MB guides. The Parent Resources page and the new app have been helpful this year for finding all of the apps we use, menus, handbooks, questions on communication platforms like School Messenger. Please enjoy these links to explore.

Presentation on the Math Curriculum at a recent BOE Meeting:

You can see recordings of this presentation and others from WPS and the BOE on Wilton Educational TV:

Math Presentation:


Contact Middlebrook and Quick Links

131 School Road, Wilton, CT 06897

(203) 762-8388 District Calendar​​

Chartwells: 203-834-4990 x5221

Bus Transportation: 203.762.3381 x8295

Wilton Board of Education


Community News

Wilton Go Green and Zero Waste

Fall Zero Waste week is right around the corner.

Please read details in the signup and consider helping with one of the lunch shifts during the week. A member of the zero waste team will be at most of the shifts to help guide you. Thanks in advance and keep an eye out for more information on this year's zero waste week activities!

Wilton Go Green - Green Speaker Series

Entangled and Ingested: Combating Plastic Pollution through Art Saturday, November 5th, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Optional Community Sewing: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Wilton Library Dr. Katharine Owens will share how she uses the arts to communicate about the pervasive problem of plastic pollution. A researcher and artist, Dr. Owens has spent the last year and a half creating a series of forty-six life-sized portraits of animals harmed by marine debris. She creates most of the pieces herself by hand sewing film plastic onto canvas, but the largest pieces (including three life-sized whales) are being co-created with the public. After the presentation you can choose to stay and put your sewing skills to work and help stitch one of Dr. Owen's pieces. REGISTER with the Wilton Library to attend ABOUT DR KAT OWENS: Dr. Katharine Owens is a Professor in the Department of Politics, Economics, and International Studies and Director of the University Interdisciplinary Studies program at the University of Hartford. Her work has been supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Stevens Initiative, the National Geographic Society, the Fulbright Nehru program, and the Connecticut Office of the Arts. She is an interdisciplinary scholar who seeks to merge science, policy, and the arts.

Turnover Shop

Thank you to the Turnover Shop for their generous donation to our PTA Community!

Dear Sharon and the Turnover Shop Board,

Wilton PTAs & SEPTA would like to say a huge thank you for the additional donation of $10,000. What an unexpected surprise, but one that will be used to continue our ongoing support of enhancing our students' education. We are truly touched that you thought of us.

We are very grateful for our ongoing relationship with the Turnover Shop and the support that you continue to give us. We look forward to reporting back on how we have used your money in our winter report to you.

For now we would like to wish you all a happy fall,

Sue Robins (WHS PTSA)

Michelle Haggerty (Middlebrook PTA)

Michelle Krupa & Melissa Reynolds (Cider Mill PTA)

Sara Sclafani & Liz Alleva (Miller-Driscoll PTA)

Kara Berghaus (SEPTA)

Founded over 75 years ago by a group of volunteers dedicated to serving the needs of the community, The Turnover has kept that tradition of service and generosity alive as we have evolved to serve each generation. Our merchandise is reflective of every life style and current fashion, and our current team of over 130 volunteers remain committed to the prospect of always being creative and innovative. Thousands of satisfied customers continue to validate their hard work.

We carry a full line of women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, shoes, antiques, housewares, games, books, jewelry, and small furnishings.

Volunteer opportunities are available and the most popular way to volunteer and be part of the Turnover Shop community effort is to work one or two shifts of three hours each month. Feel free to stop by the shop or email for more information.

Woodcock Nature Center

5K & Kids Fun Run

to benefit Woodcock's educational programs

Sunday, October 16, 2022

9:30 am: Kids Fun Run

10 am: 5K Race

Woodcock Nature Center welcomes runners, hikers and walkers of all ages at its annual Where the Wild Things Run 5K and Kids Fun Run. For several decades, this event has highlighted Woodcock’s nearly 5 miles of publicly accessible trails and raised money for the center’s educational programs. All proceeds support the nature center!

The popular 5K is 90% trail with a mix of groomed trails, rugged trails and narrow bridges/boardwalks. Walkers are also welcome. The terrain of the 5k will highlight the diversity and beauty of the Woodcock property.

A shorter 1K Kids Fun Run geared towards ages 6 and up is guided by a Woodcock team member. Parents are also welcome to accompany their children.


The Norwalk River Valley Trail (NRVT) is bringing its signature event back to the community for the fourth time and this time with a theme! “Mutt Strut & Friends Howl-O-Ween Edition”, a family- and user-friendly event, will be held virtually and in-person this month.

Learn more about the NRVT here:


The PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.


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