Friendly Reminders - Bus
From PowerSchool:
Students normally ride the same bus in the morning and afternoon to/from the same stop location. We do not schedule afternoon drop off times. Kindergarten through Grade 5 should use School Dismissal Manager to schedule alternate afternoon transportation if needed.
Here is a link to the Transportation page:
Students should be at their bus stop at least five (10) minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time. Please be patient. There are many reasons a bus may be delayed throughout the first weeks of school, and especially on the first day. Bus routing may appear to be an exact science, but we cannot predict traffic conditions on a given day or the number of students choosing to ride the bus. We monitor school arrival times for all buses at all schools on a daily basis. Changes in bus routes to correct any continuing schedule problems may be necessary, but you will be notified in advance.
If you have any questions about a bus assignment or stop location, bus safety, or any issue related to student transportation in Wilton, please contact the Transportation Coordinator via email. Phone calls are discouraged as they delay the response time for all messages received. We appreciate your patience during the opening weeks of school as we coordinate the transportation of our students in a safe and timely manner.
For transportation concerns, please email