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Gifts and Grants

The Gifts and Grants program is one the PTA highly values as a means for investing in our school, staff and students. 

Laptop and Paperwork

How to Apply

Gifts and Grants have application periods in the Winter and Spring open to Middlebrook faculty and staff who are PTA members. 



  • Application Available now at:

  • Applications are open to all MB faculty and staff, as long as they are PTA Members

  • Applications are not limited to any specific subjects/areas

  • Preference is given to projects with potential for a lasting/deep impact and/or a broad impact (affecting a large number of students)

  • The application form is on Google Forms, and can be edited / resubmitted there until the deadline.

  • We offer support for applicants / potential applicants in two main ways:    

    • Please reach out to me (Rosy McCauley, Gifts & Grants Chair), for any questions via email @  We can communicate via email for questions or to set up a time if you prefer a phone call or meeting.

    • Prior to presentations, we will reach out ahead of time with any clarifying questions on the submitted applications to help ensure the presentations are targeted to answer any outstanding questions.


  • Below are the revised deadlines:

    • Applications Due: February 2nd @5pm

    • Presentation of Applications/Proposals to Exec Board (Zoom): February 8th @3:10pm 

    • PTA Meeting to vote on those grants selected for a full membership vote: February 15th, 2024 @9:30am

You can find more information about the Gifts and Grants program here:

We deeply value our partnership with you to help and are looking forward to your ideas to improve students’ Middlebrook experiences.  

Please reach out to me for any questions, concerns or if you are unable to meet the deadline but would like to submit.


Learn More: LINK

2023-24 Gifts and Grants

Fall/Winter Summary (link)

Spring Summary (link coming Spring 2024)

Image by Matt Riches

How You Can Help

Donate to our Annual Appeal

Donating Money

© 2024 - 2025 by Middlebrook School PTA

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