Middlebrook Book Fair
Main Street Books never fails to supply a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction titles over 8,000 books- from the latest picture books to the most recent New York Times best sellers.

How to Shop and Browse
There are two book fairs each year that offer opportunities to get great books and support the LLC.
WINTER 2023 Book Fair
December 1st through December 8th
Shop @ Middlebrook LLC or online
Parents - join us on concert nights! December 4th, 5th, & 6th before or after the show
Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D4DA4A62BABFC1-46308590-middlebrook#/
Shop: https://www.mainstreetbookfairs.com/middlebrook
Please add Middlebrook to your cart when shopping online
To make this event successful, we are in need of volunteers. Please help us out by signing up at:
Donate Books
Help our school and classroom libraries by donating to the book fund at checkout.
Thank you very much!
SPRING 2024 Book Fair
In the MB Library Learning Commons. Sales from the book fair support the LLC.